Grit And Grace

Do You Need to Cut Cords?



Some of the most frequent questions we hear as witches are about cutting cords. Deep level cord cutting is energetic and requires a powerful high priestess and ritual master to be effective.Most cord cutting rituals circulating on social media involve candle magic or meditations. These rituals might work on a surface level, but to have any juice behind it, you must understand the energy involved and enter the ritual from a shifted consciousness state. It’s your intention and energy that truly matter.Cord cutting involves a complete set of sacred rituals and cannot be taken lightly. If you seek deep cord cutting and not something superficial, you need an experienced high priestess that can get down to the deepest level of the underworld and easily walk between the worlds with their own protection. Tahverlee is a Social Impact Entrepreneur and Temple Keeper. Visit Moon Temple Mystery School for ancient teachings for our modern world, spiritual coaching, and everything you need to know as you walk your awak