Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep436 Speaking Mastery One



So you want to be a professional public speaker? This is the podcast for you. Ohh you just want to be able to speak publicly without defecating in your trousers or throwing up on the front row of your audience? This podcast is for you. Im sorry, I miss heard you, you just want to be a better communicator and want to get a word in edgewise in your social circle? This podcast is for you. Being a world class presenter and holding court at a family dinner actually require the same fundamental skills. We have all been in seminars or conferences (remember those?) where the speaker was an industry leader on the topic but failed to deliver it in an entertaining manner. Or you were at a dinner party where a couple shared their story about their trip to New York, "No, no, no you tell this part honey. You tell it better." "Okay as long as you share the story about the subway guy!" "Okay Pumpkin Buns!" Come on people! Put some pizzazz in it. You have to learn the art of story telling. Even if you are presenting on the pr