Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#201: WTF is the metaverse?



The very first thing I need to make clear when talking about the metaverse, is that it is NOT owned by Facebook, nor are people that interested in what Facebook is building. Why?  Because most people in the web3 space, myself included, are most interested in decentralization. Meaning no one person, government, entity or company has full control or ownership.  The other reality is that we already live in the metaverse. I am writing this while in Rio, Brazil, and you will read it wherever you are. I host many workshops, Lighthouse Collective calls and sessions with clients via zoom. I take photos and videos of what's happening around me, post them on social media and you are able to see those regardless of where you are. The metaverse isn’t this official place you go to, it's simply the integration of technology into our lives, and that is already here.  On this week's episode I dive more into this, as well as why it's okay to resist and not want to partake, and also some reasons why I hope you remain curious.