Human Resources For Small Business

Don't Feed the Elephants with Sarah Noll Wilson



Avoiding the “uncomfortable” has become so common that we have a famous term for it: it’s “the elephant in the room.” But according to guest Sarah Noll Wilson, author of Don't Feed the Elephants, it’s possible to free yourself and your team from that overwhelming awkwardness. In today’s episode of Transform Your Workplace, our guest provides tips on how to address your elephants and create a transparent culture in your workplace.  TAKEAWAYS “The elephant in the room” creeps into the workplace when we avoid talking about or acknowledging something uncomfortable. Avoiding honest discussion is a harmful barrier to business success. A leader’s response in moments of disagreement or feedback sets the tone for how safe others will feel speaking up. Freeing the elephant from the room is a process that happens one conversation at a time, not all at once. A QUICK GLIMPSE INTO OUR PODCAST