Kevin Whitsitt

How do You Get Free Coins on Fantom? 3 Ways!



Click on the link below to learn more. Hey wutzup,  Today I want to talk about Fantom and share 3 ways I've discovered to get FREE coins.   I love free stuff. I'm the guy that goes to Costco and gets all the free samples.   You can get free coins on Fantom with staking and the longer you stake the higher the rewards.    You can get free coins from Fantom Faucets. Faucets are websites where you can earn a small number of coins.   You can get free coins when you participate in liquidity mining. Liquidity mining is when you get rewarded for providing liquidity or money. Some people call it yield farming.  You might be wondering what the hell is fantom and why should u care.    What makes Fantom special is instead of using a blockchain it uses a graph, where transactions are written on top of each other. It can process up to 20,000 transactions per second compared to Bitcoin which c