Closing The Gap With Denise Cooper

Episode 84: The one skill that ensures productivity in hybrid workspaces



2022 has brought a slew of changes - some workplaces are switching to hotelling instead of requiring employees in their offices, while other organizations have chosen to stay fully remote. However, as the workplace continues to evolve, it has become clear that hybrid work is here to stay. Working remote during a pandemic calls for more than flexibility from managers - it requires compassion to truly close the gap. For some employees, working remotely has given them a boost in productivity. They’ve learned how to complete their work duties in less time. What does this mean when being called back into the office? Do we work more slowly to “look productive”? Or is there another way? In this week's episode, Denise Cooper interviews award-winning international speaker, Amazon #1 best-selling author, and renowned culture change and project management expert, Colin D. Ellis for his take on how managers can address the compassion gap in hybrid teams. Keep up with Colin D. Ellis: www.