Microbe Magazine Podcast

Multiplex PCR for Predicting Antibiotic Susceptibility (JCM ed.)



Antibiotic susceptibility testing is too slow. Faster identification of microorganisms is now common, as many laboratories use MALDI-TOF or molecular technologies for quick and definitive identification of bacteria. Improvements in susceptibility testing have lagged, as we continue to use tests that take a day for results, and which have not significantly changed in decades. Rapid phenotypic testing has can only be done on limited sample types, using a dedicated platform, and it has not been widely adopted. Tests for rapid genotypic testing usually include only a few genes and require confirmation by phenotypic testing. What are the prospects for fast susceptibility testing? Guests: Dr. Trish Simner. Trish, Associate Professor of Pathology at Johns Hopkins Medicine, where she is also Director of the Medical Bacteriology and Infectious Disease Sequencing. Dr. Dan Rhoads. Dan is the Section Head of Microbiology at the Cleveland Clinic, where he holds The Belinda Yen-Lieberman, PhD, and James M. Lieberman, MD, E