Radi8 Radio

Code Red for Humanity - Extinction Rebellion II: The Movement



In our second episode about Extinction Rebellion we talk to Johnny, who's an active member here in the Hague. We ask him how civil disobedience leads to change, why XR demands net zero by 2025 and how a citizen’s assembly works. Disclaimer: Towards the end of the episode, Johnny mentions that the news story about the man that was not able to get to his dying parent because of an XR roadblock was staged. He told us that he knows this from a safe source. We recorded the episode two weeks before the release and Johnny has since tried to get in contact with the people involved in Bristol. We do not have confirmation yet but will update this description as soon as we do. Here’s a newspaper article on the topic: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7260773/Bristol-man-unable-father-died-Extinction-Rebellion-protest-traffic.html