Environment China

Chinese women working in sustainability - with Si Jialing and Zhang Miao



In today's Chinese language Environment China podcast episode, we turn to the topic of women working in environmental and sustainability fields. We join two professionals to talk about their unique and interesting experiences and stories, and explore what's new in their particular fields. Today's guests are Si Jialing, who works on green finance at the British Embassy, and Zhang Miao, founder of R Cubic, who is sometimes known as the Walking Wastepedia. In terms of career paths, the two represent the extremes of having entered the field by chance, or having  cultivated a topic on a straight line from academic study to professional career. We ask what challenges they face in their respective fields, and what advice they have for newcomers to the workplace.  实在是听过到太多次"环保和可持续圈还是女生多”(也确实是事实),我们萌生了一个想法:那为什么不干脆做一系列在"可持续议题工作的女性”播客,一起来聊一聊她们独特又好玩的经历和故事,探一探她们所在行业的新鲜事呢? 于是「环境中国」便有了个这期节目,在这次初尝试中,我们请到了在英国大使馆做绿色金融的佳灵和行走的“垃圾百科”张淼。她们或误打误撞入了圈,或从读书到工作一直在这个领域深耕,都逐渐在可持续议题的工作中找到了自己所关注和热爱的地方。她们在各自领域都有着什么样的挑战?对初入职场的小伙伴又有着什么样的建议呢?