Uncluttered Office with Catherine Avery

Financial Systems, Look at the Math, and Guardrails EP 134



Today’s guest, Caroleen Verly, starts with her story of the pandemic’s effect on kick starting her financial coaching business. Caroleen explains the differences in earnings and challenges of managing money, in particular how important it is for people with a neurodiverse brain. While it takes more up front work, setting up systems that succeed by default will save you time in the long run and helps avoid paying that ‘ADHD tax’. The long term goal is to grow the space between your income and your expenses. Most important is to start where you are even if it’s just a tiny shift. Tune in to hear how putting guardrails around your spending makes it easier to manage your finances. About Caroleen is a former data analyst turned financial coach. Caroleen has an economics degree from Yale and worked as a data analyst in the environmental sector, first at a consulting firm and then in higher education administration.  Links Untangle Your Money To learn more about your host, Catherine Avery: Productivity by Design T