Crime In Sports

#69 - A Menace Of Ground & Sky - The Manicness of Alonzo Spellman



This week, we check out a story full of twists, turns, and bumps, all of which lead to disaster, and many, many arrests. His body matured much faster than his brain, causing him, and everyone around him nothing but problems. He had a standoff with the SWAT team, broke up knife fights between women in his entourage, was brought up on federal charges, after terrorizing over 130 people on a domestic flight... And that's just the tip of the iceberg. It's truly a story of a man's epic unravelling. Hilarious! Throw away your opportunities, threaten your pilot's life, and never, ever take your medication with Alonzo Spellman!! Check us out, every Tuesday. We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie Whisman New episodes every Tuesday!!Please subscribe, rate, and review!Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts!Head to for all things Crime in Sports!For merchandise: crimeinsports.threadless.c