Between The Gutters Podcast

Episode 121: Putin's Russia: The Rise of a Dictator by Darryl Cunningham



Darryl Cunningham's recent biocomic, Putin's Russia: The Rise of a Dictator, is a particularly relevant piece of work, especially in light of current events. It's a comic published by Drawn & Quarterly in North America, and it was released earlier this year, just before Russia invaded Ukraine. In presenting a heavily researched laundry list of numerous transgressions against his rivals, detractors, journalists, the Russian people, the concept of democracy, and even the world in general, this scathing biography is quite educational in helping us understand the despicable character of Vladimir Putin. Darryl Cunningham has produced one of the most worthwhile non-fiction comics of recent memory. Also, on a lighter note, stick around after the ending theme music to hear Albert's report on WonderCon 2022!