
If fast fashion is so bad, why is the industry growing?



You've probably seen the 'haul' trends on TikTok and Instagram. People unveiling the mountains clothes they've managed to snag from companies like Shein for just a few hundred bucks. But the reality behind that is a fast fashion industry with devastating impacts on the environment, and often terrible working conditions to make its products so cheap. Those companies are making billions selling people stuff they don't need. So why are they still so popular? Plus, a new climate report is out and this time it's focusing what we need to do, to avoid catastrophic climate change. The good news? We've got a lot of the answers already. We're also looking at a new stick-on patch that could tell you if you're sick - before showing symptoms. And some experts are recommending breaking up our sleep into "shifts" for better productivity. Guests: Ketan Joshi, science communicator Dr Mark Liu, Uni of Technology Sydney Dr Chris Seton, sleep specialist