ADHD Support Talk Radio

Adults with ADD / ADHD: Stop, Breathe and Focus



Wow, It's hard to believe that 2015 is just about over. Christmas is a week away and 2016 is only 2 weeks away. Right now a lot of people may be stressed and overwhelmed by the holiday season. Others may be planning ahead for the new year.  I have a suggestion or a challenge for you right now. Stop right now and close your eyes!Take 3 slow deep breaths in and out. Think about 1 of YOUR best moments of 2015 I challenge you to take this even further. Make a list of your top 15 of 2015. Your list can include anything or anybody. Who or what brought you the most joy into your life in 2015? It's important that you actually put your list in writing and it's not just floating around in your ADD / ADHD mind!  I will be joining you in the challenge! When my list is complete I will leave comment here and let everybody know it is completed.  Feel free to comment when you have completed yours too! Tara McGillicuddy