Eco Chat With Laura Trotta Podcast

[175] Ethical Everyday Banking with Beyond Bank Sustainability Manager Kate Carrol



We all need a bank to help us manage our money. But what if “who” we banked with made a difference? What if your everyday banking was yet another avenue to create a better future for humanity? What if your everyday banking could create a better global environment in the future? What if your bank poured its profits into social and environmental initiatives in the community it operated, rather than paying returns to shareholders? WHO you bank with CAN make a difference. A big one! In this Eco Chat episode I’m joined by Sustainability Manager of Beyond Bank, Kate Carroll. Beyond Bank Australia is a local customer-owned and B Corporation bank. Kate works across the business to help create positive impact for people and planet whilst also delivering value for the organisation. Kate will share why she believes people should care about who they bank with, what it means for a bank to be customer-owned and a B Corporation, and what you should look out for when making the switch to a more ethical bank. Resources: B Cor