But I Don't Wanna Be A Secondary Character! - A Seinfeld Podcast

The Foundation (S8E1)



This week Ivan and Stephen eat blocks of cheese the size of car batteries and wear urban sombreros as they talk about the secondary characters from the final Season 8 episode in the podcast series, The Foundation. Topics covered include Blink One Eight/Eighty Two, Seinfeld cast members being in Aussie TV commercials, Jerry becoming the showrunner from this episode on, and carpooling with your friends and another parent; Seinfeldisms (from 4:00), Seinfeld News (from 7:33), episode trivia (from 13:31); secondary characters Mr and Mrs Ross (from 18:36), Delores AKA Mulva (from 26:17), Wyck Thayer (from 31:45), J Peterman in this episode (from 35:28), Joey and Mrs Zanfino (from 38:29), and Sensei (from 43:42). Where will the episode and/or any of the secondaries appear in our list of the greatest episodes and characters of all time? Listen and find out! — Sign up to our Patreon page for early access to BIDWBASC, exclusive access to bonus podcast 'Curbcast’, instant access to unaired episodes of ‘Season 11', a