But I Don't Wanna Be A Secondary Character! - A Seinfeld Podcast

The Reverse Peephole (S9E12)



This week Ivan and Stephen wear fur coats and have fat wallets as they talk about the secondary characters from Season 9’s The Reverse Peephole. Topics covered include C.C. Babcock from The Nanny, Norman Gunston, when stadium crowd cardboard cutouts go wrong, and Russian mail order brides; Seinfeldisms (from 4:49), Seinfeld News (from 7:12), episode trivia (from 13:31); secondary characters Silvio (from 17:53), Joe Mayo (from 27:59), and Keri (from 31:04) Where will the episode and/or any of the secondaries appear in our list of the greatest episodes and characters of all time? Listen and find out! — Sign up to our Patreon page for early access to BIDWBASC, exclusive access to bonus podcasts 'Curbcast Season 2' (available now) and ‘Season 11' (from next week), as well as other bonus content! Head over to patreon.com/bidwbasc to sign up. You can also support us with a one-off donation on Paypal at paypal.me/mishmashmedia Your donations will help keep the show going. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, Reddit