

This week we watch Joe DiMaggio dunk his doughnuts and get our hamstrings massaged as we dive into the secondaries from the Season 3 premiere, The Note. We talk about Seinfeld’s 30th anniversary, what the hell they were thinking with that alternate theme song, dating a guy called Steinfeld, Maaaatlock!, helicopter parents and baseball centre fielders; Seinfeldisms (from 2:46), Seinfeld News (from 4:40), episode trivia (from 18:48); secondaries including George’s physical therapist Raymond (from 21:50), Jerry’s physical therapist Julianna (from 22:34), Roy the dentist (from 38:18), and a bit about the Yankee Clipper himself, Joltin’ Joe DiMaggio (from 44:22). Where will the episode and/or any of the secondaries make our list of the greatest episodes and characters of all time? Listen and find out! -- Support us on Patreon and Paypal! Your donation will help keep the show going. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, Reddit and Twitter. You can email us, too. Listen, download, subscribe to and review us wherever