Spanish Answers

Episode 69: Sino vs. Pero; When to Use Which?



Today's episode will be a bit longer than normal, but it covers a topic I've really wanted to talk about for a long time. We all know how to use the conjunction but in English, but Spanish actually differentiates between the different nuances of but with the words sino and pero. This can be tricky for English-speakers, so today we'll do a deep dive into what these words mean and how to correctly use them! And for our Cultural Tip, we'll begin looking at Guatemala. :) Remember, learning a language is a lifelong journey.¡Aprovéchalo, Disfrútalo y Compártelo!SHOW NOTES:© 2022 by Language Answers, LLCBlog for Episode 69Intro and Closing Music by Master_Service from FiverrCultural Tip Transition Music edited from song by JuliusH from PixabayResource LinksEpisode Content  "Pero" from REAL ACADEMIA ESPAÑOLA: Diccionario de la lengua española, 23.ª ed., [versión 23.5 en línea]. Accessed April 15, 2022 "Sino" from REAL ACADEMIA ESPAÑOLA: Diccionario de la lengua española, 23.ª ed., [versión 23.5 en