Death Saving Bros - An Actual Play 5e Dungeons & Dragons Podcast

Ep. 93 - Questionable Heroic Morals



Dosh's leads have pointed to Bindi Spateri, a merchant and known philanderer who might have information on Hoque's whereabouts. However, the information our adventurers seek will come at the morally questionable cost of defending Bindi from a his loving past. Join Dosh Johnson (Matt Smith), Donovan Likecher (Brad Renfro), Josh Donson (Ben Renfro), and Jack Jackerson (Brad Richards) as they continue their adventures in the Free Cities, led by Dungeon Master Paul Camper. Catch up on previous episodes with these characters (Ep. 38, 49, 61) and our larger campaign at even more Death Saving Bros content by becoming a supporter on Patreon.Follow us on Twitter and other social media @DeathSavingBros or visit our website.Shop for official Death Saving Bros merchandise on Redbubble to get t-shirts, hoodies, mugs, and more.The songs “Ain’t Gettin’ Away with It,” “Bronze Coast Bastards,” “Grihoo Village,” “Grimdocks (Busy Port),” “Helgisidur,” and “Pale Sanctum Duel” are copyright Will Savino