Fbc Eugene

A Picture Of Peace On Parade



Everyone loves the energy, excitement, expectation and enthusiasm of a parade. People gather, there's a festive atmosphere, community is created and people are celebrating the joy and fun of the floats, the marching bands, the drill teams, celebrities and all the other aspects of what a parade represents, reminds us about, and recognizes on certain important days of the year. We gather on parade days to commemorate, acknowledge, and be involved in a shared experience of being together and anticipating "who's coming down the parade route" in grand procession. On this Palm Sunday, we are going to look at an amazing and phenomenal parade that took place at the beginning of the final week of Jesus' life here on earth. We will gather as a congregation with excitement, enthusiasm and expectation of what that Triumphal Entry meant for those who were there and what it means for us today as we seek to commemorate, acknowledge and experience together "A Picture of Peace on Parade." Please read John 12:9-22 in preparat