Ask A Death Doula

National Death Doula Day April 20th!!



Today is National Death Doula Day and we are celebrating with a very special podcast and free family caregiver training!   Death used to be revered as a sacred part of our life’s journey. It is only within the last 100 years that we've absolutely removed the end of life from being a natural component of our lives.    This removal of end of life has, in my opinion, caused death to become 1,000 times more difficult for both patients and family members.    End of life can be a positive and sacred experience. It is with the right education, kindness, and support that we can have the end of life go well for every person - everywhere in the world.   Due to current reimbursement structures, mainstream medical is only able to supply a certain amount of time and support for patients and families at the end of life - but end of life is 24/7 and the need for more support in this area of care is extremely great.    “The minute we put a dollar amount and a time limit on dying, we're doing something wrong.” - Suzanne B. O’