Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

131: I Left the Fitness Industry! 7 Mistakes Learned (as a Christian) & What to Expect on YOUR Fitness Journey From It!



I’ve shared about formerly being a fitness instructor and what my life used to look like (on the outside, behind closed doors as well as the embarrassing things that I hid). There have been lots of good and not-so-good moments throughout those years. Some of those things I can’t wait to UNlearn but there are also the other parts that I am super grateful to have knowledge on. Today, I’m so glad that I can take the not-so-good parts and put a biblical filter on them. Don’t you love how with God’s ways nothing goes wasted? I’ll be sharing beliefs I thought would make me happy, we’ll talk about burnout, and reality versus expectations. Leaving the world’s way to follow Christ in my fitness journey was so refreshing and I want you to experience it for yourself. If that sparks something in your heart then this is the episode for you! Let’s dive in! Truth in Jesus, Jaclyn    Obsessing about your weight and obsessing about what you see when you look in the mirror? Constantly jumping from diet to diet? Is starvation m