Bethesda Shalom

Leaving Your First Love – Paul M. Williams



Revelation 2:1-7 The Church in Ephesus was a Church that was in declension in regards to love.  They had departed from that they once knew in glowing fervour and had grown cold in that most vital of areas.  The heat of the battle had done something to them.  All that contention against the false had jaded their glow of love.  Simply put, their love had grown cold in Jesus because they had lost that vital love relation with Him!!  Oh, Brethren, if this can happen in a marriage, it can happen with the Lord.  We grow estranged.  Other things come in, we stop spending devotional time with Him and before we know it, we’re going through the religious motions.  What effect do you think it will have on other relationships?  Cold here...cold everywhere!!!!  Brethren, it is our God-given responsibility to love others, but we can’t love as we ought without the Lord!!