Uncluttered Office with Catherine Avery

Declutter Your Diet, Nutrition for Focus, and Your Wandering Vagal Nerve EP 137



Guest, Angel Muller, starts off with her story of her passion around nutrition to help your focus and mood. She encourages us to declutter our diet to improve focus, organization, productivity and suggests some high protein foods to eat at breakfast. Angel explains how stress can affect our cortisol, create cravings and then derail our nutrition. Throw hormones in the mix and it’s next level. Angel explains the difference between calming food vs ones that activate your nervous energy. She explains the science behind how nutrition affects the vagal nerve and why it’s important to our energy and focus not to graze all day. Tune in to hear why I need to visit the UK just to enjoy Angel’s cooking in person! About Angel Muller Angel is a wellness and business coach.   Her background combines neuroscience, nutrition and business coaching to help woman in business (including neurodiverse women) to create a healthier life and business. Link www.nourishingeve.com To learn more about your host, Catherine Avery: Produc