Conscious Chatter With Kestrel Jenkins

S06 Episode 268 | Venetia La Manna on the need to *Remember Who Made Them* (our clothes) & whether we should buy fast fashion secondhand



In episode 268, Kestrel welcomes Venetia La Manna, to the show. The host of All The Small Things podcast and the co-founder of Remember Who Made Them, Venetia uses her platforms to challenge fashion brands who are costing the earth and calls out retailers on their unethical practices in the fashion supply chain. “Fashion brands are so willing to talk about organic cotton and to talk about their latest recycled range. There are two things that fashion brands refuse to commit to — the first is paying their garment makers a fair living wage, and the second is a drastic reduction in overall output. But these are the two things that would actually, truly change the industry.” -Venetia Here’s a question I’ve posed on Instagram: Is it OK to buy fast fashion secondhand? I was watching Venetia’s YouTube channel recently, and in one video, she talks about this question. She says:  “I think it’s worth us interrogating – but I’m not sure it’s worth us giving ourselves a hard time about.”  So, back to that question – is