My Thought Coach

What to Say to Yourself Before or Just After a Binge



Stop beating yourself up after a binge! Your brain will likely tell you that if you don't punish yourself that you'll never change. Want the truth? Hating on yourself will actually set you up for doing it again! It's so counterintuitive, right? Yeah, it is. But it's true. Promise. Try this next time: FLOOD your thoughts and self talk with so much freaking love, compassion and encouragement that it's almost ridiculous. Then, with all the love in the universe, listen to these affirmations and practice some new thoughts about food. Listen to this a lot, because you want these sentences to become automatic. Then give yourself more love and compassion. And then even more love after that. What you're looking for isn't in the food anyway. It's love, so love your face off and see what happens.