Unknown Words With Matthew Anderson

#33 - Carmen Brady



The show is back. Found in close up in  Carmen Brady's poetry are the details we notice when we are disconnected from others. That's not to say her poems are always about disconnectedness, but that void of understanding appears as a character itself at times. The shape created by what we don't understand about one another, when we try and fail to communicate truthfully.  Carmen's poetry has appeared in Metatron, Potluck Mag, Little River Lit mag, Electric Cereal and elsewhere. Her chapbook Eating Alone at Chipotle was published by Bottlecap Press in 2015. You can follow her on Twitter at @therealcbrad   Music by Zhalih MUSH   If you would like to submit fiction, non-fiction, or poetry between 1,000 and 4,000 words, send it to: unknownwordspodcast@gmail.com   Follow the show Twitter Facebook Instagram