Passing The Torch

Ep 24: TOP SECRET!!! Helping People Take Control of Their Lives & Hack Success Like a Former CIA Super Spy with Andrew Bustamante



ABOUT ANDREW:Andrew Bustamante is a former covert CIA intelligence officer, decorated military combat veteran, and successful Fortune 10 corporate advisor. After 20 years leading human and technical intelligence operations for corporate and government clients, Andrew founded - the first-ever online platform designed to teach elite spy skills to everyday people. Featured in both US and International media, Andrew’s training content has been praised for its innovative, authentic, and life-changing impact. When he isn’t giving interviews, running spy exercises, or supporting private intelligence contracts around the world, Andrew lives with his wife (also an ex-CIA Officer) and two children in Florida.In this episode, we discuss TOP SECRET: Mental optimization hacks reserved for the intellectual elite to control any situation.  Additionally, we cover DECLASSIFIED: ways to solve everyday problems like a spy would in life OR in a life or death situation. ELITE TRAINING: Unpacking the routines, exer