Business Mindset Podcast With Holly Worton| Business Mindset For Women Entrepreneurs

458 Holly Worton ~ Getting Back to Sports and Adventures After a Long Break



I'm back again, with another solo episode! This week, I'm talking about how to go back to old sports and adventures after it's been a while. You might know that I haven't done much kickboxing since Covid started—first, because classes moved online and were only sporadically held in-person due to the ins and outs of lockdown; and second, because I had a shoulder injury for all of last year.   I got back into kickboxing in January of this year, and that was really challenging. I was terrified my first week back to classes! And despite the fact that we're now well into April, I'm still not back up to speed. It's taken longer than I thought it would, which means that I don't know if I'll be on track to do my next grading this year.   This has got me reflecting on the mindset of returning to a sport after a long break. This isn't the first time it's happened to me—I quit running years ago, before getting back into it during the first Covid lockdown. And that was tough, too, but in a different way.   I thought this