Between The Gutters Podcast

Episode 125: Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Autopsy



It's time for a Between the Gutters-style Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness autopsy! We tried to stay away from inane fanboy theories here, though, and we definitely don't whine about all the cameos we didn't see. We tried to keep the conversation about the film by looking at it on its own merits. (Maybe there was a tangent when we got on a soapbox to talk about how Disney and these corporations should reward the comic book creators upon whose work their movie empire is built.) The first part of the podcast is spoiler-free, and we'll warn you when get into spoiler territory. If you've had a chance to watch the movie, what'd you think? For that matter, what are your favorite Dr. Strange stories and comics? Spoilers begin at about the 50:30 mark.