The Amanda Collins Podcast

Bealtaine: Awaken Your Maximum Potential



Beloved, would you like to learn how to take advantage of this powerful time of Bealtaine and awaken your maximum potential?  There is so much to celebrate during this time, it's a new month and a new season. The earth is heating up with passion, Mother Earth is showing us how powerful her Sovereignty truly is. As she prepares to provide for us in the Summer, we can take this time to truly honor her bounty.  Join me and dear friend and colleague, Alex Stark as we honor this time of Bealtaine. We will share with you ways in which you too can harness this power and weave it into your daily life, a guided mediation with Alex, and some practices you can follow during this time. In this Episode we chat about... 2:40 More than the Bealtaine energy 7:30 Capturing Bealtaine the ancestral way 12:45 Bealtaine: Honouring what is alive in you 14:40 Capturing the Bealtaine energy  16:00 Managing Bealtaine energies 16:11 Short Meditation with Alex 23:05 Tapping into the Bealtaine energy 26:15 Gathering abundant energies 34