Movement Makers Podcast With Nikki Groom

54. Integrating More Rest Into Your Work with Abigail Rose Clarke



If you’ve been feeling the need to be more present in your body, or simply slow down, this episode is one you won’t want to miss. Abigail Rose Clark, the developer of The Embodied Life Method™, joins me for a conversation on how we can bring more time for integration and rest into productive work environments. Abigail works with individuals and organizations to teach embodiment as a practice and a responsibility. She focuses on helping people truly inhabit their own skin and, in doing so, re-enter a true relationship with the world. As you listen to this episode, you’ll learn how to be more present with yourself and the world around you, how to have deep and meaningful conversations and tune into the physical self in order to become calmer and settled in your everyday life.  Key takeaways: We can change culture simply based on the way we interact with one another What it means to come home to your body and what it looks like in practice The importance of moving away from binary thinking to full-spectrum