Coffee & Change

Episode 96: The Gathering Effect With Lindsey Caplan



On this episode I interview Lindsey Caplan of The Gathering Effect. Gatherings are like gateways...they take us to another plan as humans. We express, inquire, engaged, grieve and celebrate best when gathered. Without our togetherness we may have never known the fullness of friendship or the fathoms of love fulfilled. By its very definition gathering is another kind of awakening, because suddenly one's scene changes, as as the Spanish poet, Antonio Machado says, "you are now in a different world." And as the Irish mystic John O'Donohue reminds us, "that sense of difference and otherness is always what makes us wonder." My guest on this episode helps organizations and leaders wonder about the gathering effect. Her expertise is in scripting experiences in gathering to help boost morale, engagement, and retention for the long term. From her beginnings as a comedy writer in Hollywood on shows like "Curb Your Enthusiasm" to her days an Organizational Psychologist and Head of Talent for successful Silicon Valley