As Told By Nomads

The Importance of Social Justice and Narratives with Khary Lazarre-White



Today on the As Told By Nomads podcast, Khary Lazarre-White joins Tayo to talk about racial narratives in the US and his organization, The Brotherhood Sister Sol.  The pair opens this conversation by introducing the audience to the lack of funding present in minority communities. Given this lack of funding, in combination with familiar stereotypes and narratives regarding black intelligence and athletic ability, for example, it’s no wonder that young children in black and LatinX communities are discouraged from breaking free from the boxes they were confined to.  Khary took it upon himself, however, to create The Brotherhood Sister Sol, a nonprofit that helps young black and LatinX Americans claim the power of their history, identity, community, and education.  In spite of fighting a rather uphill battle, Khary is incredibly passionate about helping children take back their own narratives.  It’s time to start debunking the common misconceptions that black people only have futures in m