Bethesda Shalom

Let Us Go Up at Once – Paul M. Williams



Numbers 13:26-33 How many know that the God of history, is the same God of the present?  God is known by His attributes - those characteristics and qualities which define His person and nature.  For some, studying these divine attributes is nothing more than an academic exercise. Instead of the knowledge of the Holy impacting the life, for many, it merely impacts the head.  Friends, God reveals Himself to us, not because He has an inferiority complex, but in order that we might know Him and in so doing draw near to Him in full assurance of faith. In this featured sermon, we look at two of God’s attributes, namely, His omnipotence and His faithfulness.  Please rest assured, this shall be no dull exercise.  As we turn to look at the account of the twelve spies and the bringing up of their report to the people, we shall see that while the overwhelming majority saw only danger; two were able by faith to see past the danger unto the promised blessing because they were fully persuaded in the nature of the God who h