Shane Plays

Comics Artist Brian Shearer - Episode 256 - 5/12/2022



Comics artist (and self-described art hobo) Brian Shearer has worked on such high-profile properties as Transformers, G.I. Joe, and Doctor Who as well as his own creations Gunship Thunderpunch and William the Last. How did Brian become a professional artist? Tips for creators to build an audience online. What’s the line you have to cross on a late crowdfunding project fulfillment before Shane gets annoyed? Working on G.I. Joe pages while with your wife in the delivery room. SDCC and many other big cons aren’t for comics creators and fans anymore. Transformers toy history, and Bob Budiansky and Jim Shooter’s vital contributions to Transformers lore. Some Classic Who and New Who discussion. Favorite entertainment properties from the 80s. Shane was NOT down with the Ghostbusters cartoon that had an ape. 80s anime and those sweet, sweet Star Blazers twisty laser cannons. Catching episodes of Dragon Ball and Ranma 1/2 in Japanese and trying to make sense of it. What’s that certain unique something that Cowboy Bebo