Starseed Radio Academy

The Evolutionary Empath



Rev. Dr. Stephanie Red Feather is a divine feminine change agent and champion of empaths. An award-winning author of the international best-seller The Evolutionary Empath and Empath Activation Cards, her passion is to help fellow sensitive souls break out of energetic jail and fully embrace their soul’s evolution as co-creators of new earth consciousness.  As a shamanic minister and prolific creator of spiritual tools, Stephanie founded Blue Star Temple, an online resource for spiritual seekers to learn energetic skills, hone empathic abilities, access spiritual knowledge, and connect with cosmic consciousness. Her specialties include masculine-feminine balance, establishing boundaries, energy hygiene, shamanic consciousness, embodiment, and celestial mysteries.  Stephanie’s life has been an unusual fusion of creativity, spirituality and hard science. First earning a Bachelor’s degree in mathematics and serving as an Air Force officer, she holds a master’s and doctorate in shamanic studies and is a mesa carri