Across The Desk With Elizabeth Plouffe

#76: Maybe We All Need to Grow a Pair



So what do women talk about when they meet up? Kids? Work? Husbands? Expectations? Trust? Sounds like a typical meeting meeting right? Turns out it can be all of that and so much more. Tuesday night was the joint Ballsy / Women in Tech meetup that featured speaker Norine Jones. Norine was asked to speak to the group based on a conversation that we had during another meeting. Specifically, it was to discuss the role of women in business and what exactly that means. How much sacrifice should we be making for our business vs our families and how do we make those choices. What started out as a speaking gig turned in to a terrific discussion that I think generated far more helpful perspectives than a regular format would have done. I'd already had the conversation and still ended up with six pages of notes. If you're a woman in business, or a man still trying to learn about women, then this podcast might shed some light on the mental games we play with ourselves and how men factor in to all of that.