Across The Desk With Elizabeth Plouffe

#55: Your Poop Will Thank You



Do you ever get to the end of your work day and feel like a sack of poop? Well that could be because you are. Kind of a gross thought right? Even worse? Being that sack of poop is actually killing you. On this episode of Across the Apothecary, I share my new adventure in to the world of working with a standing desk. I've been steadily gaining weight over the past two years despite adjusting my eating habits and incorporating walking. Not a gym kind of person but I'm also not scarfing down poutine and cheesecake on a regular basis. What have I been doing? Sitting. A lot. Between having to work at a desk for my business and then feeding my documentary / movie addiction, I've probably been sitting in excess of 12 hours a day. Yikes! No wonder my insides and outsides are not working properly! Give a listen for the stats on what sitting is doing to you, ways to get up more and the first step on my journey to getting poop done while standing up. Pun intended ;)