Across The Desk With Elizabeth Plouffe

#48: Across the Desk - Moving On with Christie Ellinger



Christie Ellinger and I sit down to discuss the ups and downs of being an entrepreneur and a pilates instructor. Pun intended ;) Christie has to be one one of the most passionate instructors I've EVER met. She is committed to health, wellness, learning and feet. We didn't get to feet today but she'll come back to Across the Apothecary and discuss the amazing tool of shaking hands with your feet. Today though we focused on the entrepreneurial journey and the stages you go through in your career that can lead you to right where you need to be to start your own business. We also touch on the best parts of impacting someone's health in a positive way and the passion that drives health pro's to keep giving the best of themselves to their clients. Sometimes, you just have to leave it all on the mat.