Across The Desk With Elizabeth Plouffe

#47: Ballsy - Share the Load



Is it different being a female entrepreneur than a male? Well, never having been a male, I'm not sure of the answer. But having been a female for a very long time (as in always), I know what the experience is like for me. That's not to say that men don't share some of the same concerns and foibles of the entrepreneur life but I'm pretty certain that the roles at home are quite different. Yup, I went there. This week, The Ballsy Gang got together and talked about sharing. Feelings? No. Recipes? No. Clothes? Hell no. We talked about the load. The almighty load of stuff that women as entrepreneurs have added to their load because they've always carried that load so why drop the load now that you've taken on a bigger load. Did you get that? Take a load off and listen and you'll see what a I mean ;)