Across The Desk With Elizabeth Plouffe

#46: Get to Know Me - The Jobs That Made Me



So what have I done with my life? Some would say too much. Some would say not enough. I haven't saved the world so far but that's not to say it won't end up on my to do list at some point. Right now though I'm busy trying to use all the education, skills and experiences I've gathered in my varied and storied career to build a business. I've been: 1. An event security guard. 2. A pub security guard. 3. A medical office administrator. 4. An instructor. 5. A cashier. 6. A waitress. 7. A bartender. 8. A ticket agent at Toronto Pearson Airport. 9. A food demo lady. 10. A unit administrator. 11. A nanny. 12. An entrepreneur of a gardening business, a cake decorating business, a business centre and a communications business. I'm not sure if I'm done yet but it's sure going to be fun finding out :)