Robin Hood Radio Interviews

Marshall Miles Interviews-Melvin Chen: Norfolk Chamber Music Festival 2022



Deputy DeanYale School of Music Professor in the Practice of PianoYale School of Music DirectorNorfolk Chamber Music Festival At YSM Since: 2012 Melvin Chen A native of Tennessee, Dr. Melvin Chen has received acclaim for solo and chamber performances throughout the United States, Canada, and Asia. Chen’s performances have been featured on radio and television stations around the world, including KBS television and radio in Korea, NHK television in Japan, and NPR in the United States.   As a Professor in the Practice of Piano, Chen teaches a studio of graduate and undergraduate piano students. In addition, he is the Deputy Dean at the Yale School of Music, a role that involves overseeing academic affairs and general institutional management, and also serves as Director of the Norfolk Chamber Music Festival–Yale Summer School of Music, where he also performs. Previously, Chen was Associate Director and on the piano faculty at the Bard College Conservatory of Music and serve