Starseed Radio Academy

Global Enlightenment Project



Born as a highly aware psychic child in Chester, England, Christopher Macklin was often visited by negative ETs as a young child in his room at night. His screams brought his parents to his side, but not believing him, they felt that Christopher was only experiencing nightmares. He was able to perceive energy fields, spirit activity and multi-dimensional phenomena from a very young age. This left young Christopher to learn early on how to deal with the presence of negative ETs in his life. He began to use his psychic abilities and the power inherent in his Melchizedek Soul to understand why they were visiting him, how to remove them from the planet and how to heal the manipulations and violations that he eventually understood they were inflicting on an unsuspecting humanity. These early experiences would form the basis of Christopher’s life work. Today, Christopher specializes in healing abductees and others who have suffered related negative ET trauma. He assists people in removing negative ET presences from