Kinsella On Liberty

KOL379 | Tom Woods Show Ep. 2145 – Does Intellectual Property Exist?



Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 379. This is my umpteenth appearance on the Tom Woods show: from Ep. 2145 Does Intellectual Property Exist? From his shownotes: Is it possible that we’ve been snookered into believing in a nonsensical concept? Is it possible to “own” an idea? Stephan Kinsella walks us through copyright, patent, trademarks, and trade secrets from a libertarian perspective, and also considers the utilitarian arguments for intellectual property. Related: Against Intellectual Property “Against Intellectual Property After Twenty Years: Looking Back and Looking Forward" Against Intellectual Monopoly, by Michele Boldrin and David K. Levine; click here for a PDF A Selection of my Best Articles and Speeches on IP “Legal Scholars: Thumbs Down on Patent and Copyright” “The Overwhelming Empirical Case Against Patent and Copyright” “Innovations that Thrive without IP” “Examples of Ways Content Creators Can Profit Without Intellectual Property” Do Busine