Chats With Susan Burrell

Releasing Tangled Energy



EP#189 - Releasing Tangled Energy – An Interview with Meditation Teacher and Author, David Gandelman.   David Gandelman is a spiritual teacher, author, and guide, whose mission is to awaken souls on their path of growth into being human, and living an enlightened, purpose-driven life. He is the author of 7 Energies of the Soul. David and I share a lively conversation in this podcast about meditation, life struggles and finding the gifts in those tough experiences. David began meditating at the young age of 16. And he noticed how his life took a radical shift, simply by feeding his passion of sitting still. That became the thing that he would do define him. As his life journey progressed he went on to live in the Himalayas and travel through India. He was hungry for knowledge and in his own words he became a “Guru Chaser” seeking out Gurus from around the world to learn from. He studied Eastern spiritual traditions while living in the Himalayas and he also spent 7 years as the director of a school for intuitiv