Starseed Radio Academy

Seven Sisters Mystery School



Marguerite Rigoglioso, PhD, joins us to talk about her Seven Sisters Mystery School course, because a veil is now lifting on the epoch of Queen Guinevere and King Arthur, revealing a mystery of many levels that holds important keys to help us rebalance the Feminine and Masculine, relink with the Subtle Realms within Nature, restore our inner connection with the Divine, and co-create world harmony. This course is based on the understanding that these great beings ~ along with others like Merlin, the Knights, and the power women associated with this retinue, were real people who merged the lineages of the Essenes and the Sidhe/Fae in service to humanity. And that only now, in this time of great tribulation, are they fully accessible to us as role models for our own spiritual awakening. Margureite takes an integrated deep dive into the stories that have come down in writing, reading between the lines with inspiration from the Divine realms to tease out the true history here. To unfold a fascinating new understan