Bethesda Shalom

Which Covenant? – Paul M. Williams



Galatians 5:1 I stand as a watchman to lift my voice in warning, against a movement that is fast growing in momentum across the evangelical world.  Some call it Hebrew Roots, others call it Torah Observant Christianity — call it what you like, the overriding emphasis is the same.  They tell us that the Gentile Church has been infected with Greek culture and needs desperately to return to its Jewish roots from whence it came!!  When asked what this “returning to its Jewish roots” looks like, one is speedily pointed to Moses and told that in order to be a faithful follower of Yeshua, you must keep Torah! Dietary Laws, Sabbath Laws, the Feasts and Festivals; if we are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, then we must do so as Torah observing Christians! When everything has been said and done, the golden question that every professing believer in Jesus Messiah must answer is this; “Which Covenant are you Under?”.  To whom will you pledge your allegiance, Moses or Jesus Christ?  Y