Super Nerd Pals

SNP 112 - Super Chicken Dinner Pals



What's up, Pals!!? EPISODE 112 IS LIVE!!! Join our heroes Stan, Andy, Ryan, and Chris as we set the record straight on the quintessential X-Men movie viewing experience, the glorious creation of the Marvel vs. Capcom Cinematic Universe, the joys of chicken dinners in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, Andy's ranting on the wasted potential of The Flash TV series, and Ryan's follow up review of Episode 2 of American Gods! Our comic book pulls for the week: Flash #22 Batman #23 American Gods #3 Super Sons #4 +++ You can find our podcast on iTunes, Soundcloud, Google Play and Stitcher!…id957518932?mt=2 @supernerdpals…4?t%3DSuper_Nerd_Pals Here is our RSS Feed for you to upload to your podcast player of choice -…125/sounds.rss Please like, rate, share, subscribe, and tell your friends about us! And feel to comment and reach out to us. We love talking to our Super P